Wander Life
Wonder Life

Photographs, artwork and gifts!


Thank you for joining us here at Wander Life Wonder Life.
Here you will find photography taken from our trips to National Parks, State Parks, local beaches and international cities. For ease of navigation and finding what your interested in, the menu bar at the top is split into states and countries plus it breaks down different locations in the boxes below in the “News” section. We currently sell prints, canvasses, cups, mouse pads and one of my favorite: acrylic photos. We are looking into expanding our line for some of our products to metal prints, tapestries, blankets, bags and T-shirts. But give me some time to vet these out, I want to make sure these products will be able to show the beauty of the place off to its advantage!
Never let your memories out weigh your dreams!
    The Beauty of Life is seen through the Rays of a broken prism!      RPM

To love something is to not care if the person is rich or poor but to care more about the person’s dreams. Care as much as they do so that you drive those dreams into the endzone and achieve the goals!   RPM


Just a fact in Life: Life isn’t easy, as nothing worth achieving will ever be easy. But we find what makes it worth the fight for us. It could be a person or a dream but it brings a desire, a fire if you will, to keep driving forward and do what we need to for what we love.

Here is THE NEWS

First time orders get 20% off with this code: t6cxrfkx

Returning explorers can get 15% just use: 722ztusy

And if you sign up for email notifications you’ll get a coupon for 25%


Happy Exploring

With the Carters

Not for sale

Boone Hall Farm


Pickney Historical site

Myrtle Beach

Concord, MA

Salem, MA

Plymouth, Ma

Michigan and Lake Huron

Key West, FL

St Augustine, FL

Rainbow Falls, NC

Grandfather MT, NC


Quebec City

Washington DC

Fort Ticonderoga

Flume Gorge, NH

Valley Forge, Pennsylvania

Niagara Falls

Flower Child Page

North Carolina

South Carolina

New York


New Hampshire




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